Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jesse Kelly and Raytheon (Gabrielle Gifford foe)
6. Not stopping with trying to take over city government and TUSD, a Raytheon employee– Ruth McClung– is running for Congress in Congressional District 7. McClung and her husband both work for our local defense contractor. (Interestingly enough, McClung campaigns against big government spending, while being supported 100% by big government spending.) I’m sure it would be a sweet deal for SALC and Raytheon to have an inexperienced, young Congresswoman at their disposal.  (Also, don’t forget that Tucson Mayor Bob Walkup is a retired Raytheon big-wig. )
Personally, I think this is chilling evidence of a local coup in the making. It shows that these local moneyed forces are working behind the scenes at several levels to change Tucson. Is democracy for sale? I hope not. For more on this topic, check out this link to today’s version of All Things Political.
1) The Tucson International Airport Area (TIAA) Superfund site is geographically situated in the northern portion of the Tucson Basin in Pima County, Arizona, south of the intersection of U.S. Interstate Freeways 10 and 19, and includes the south side of the city of Tucson. The Santa Cruz River runs from north to south, about one mile from the western edge of the site. In total, TIAA covers an approximately ten square mile area and includes: the Tucson International Airport; northeastern portions of the Tohono O'Odham Indian Reservation (San Xavier District); residential areas of the Cities of Tucson and South Tucson; and the Air Force Plant #44 Raytheon Missile Systems Company (AFP44).
2) Additional smaller plumes of contamination at the TIAA include the Arizona Air National Guard, the Texas Instruments, West Plume B and the former West Cap of Arizona. These sources are located north and northeast of the airport respectively. Due to poor waste management at these facilities, localized groundwater east of the main contaminant plume is also contaminated.
3) SITE HISTORY: At least twenty separate facilities have operated at the TIAA area since 1942 including: aircraft and electronics facilities [which discharged waste liquids directly into the soil]; fire drill training areas [where wastes from training operations were left in unlined pits]; and unlined landfills [which received various wastes from several sources]. Minor sources of soil and groundwater contamination were found at the Burr-Brown Corporation, Arizona Air National Guard Base and the former West-Cap of Arizona facilities. Major sources of contamination were found at AFP44 and at the airport property as described below.

Industrial use and disposal of metals, chlorinated solvents and other wastes began in 1942 at facilities located on the western portion of Tucson Airport property. This was followed by large-scale waste disposal at the nearby AFP44 facility during the 1950s.
4) AFP44 is a government-owned contractor-operated facility. It is operated under contract by Raytheon Missile Systems Company (formerly known as Hughes Missile Systems Company), under the direct supervision and control of Aeronautical Systems Center, Air Force Material Command, at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Its primary mission is weapons systems manufacturing for the Air Force. Hughes and/or its subsidiaries has operated the plant since its construction in 1951 until it was purchased by Raytheon in 1997.
HAARP History
The patents described below were the package of ideas which were originally controlled by ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI), a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Company, one of the biggest oil companies in the world. APTI was the contractor that built the HAARP facility. ARCO sold this subsidiary, the patents and the second-phase construction contract to E-Systems in June 1994.
E-Systems is one of the biggest intelligence contractors in the world, doing work for the CIA, defense intelligence organizations and others. Eighteen billion dollars of their annual sales are to these organizations, with $800 million for black projects — projects so secret that even the United States Congress isn't told how the money is being spent.
E-Systems was bought out by Raytheon, which is one of the largest defense contractors in the world. In 1994 Raytheon was listed as number 42 on the Fortune 500 list of companies. Raytheon has thousands of patents, some of which will be valuable in the HAARP project. Twelve patents are the backbone of the HAARP project, and are now buried among the thousands of others held in the name of Raytheon.
As one the the biggest militaty contractor both in America and in the world, Raytheon develloped and introduced the very first remotely controlled and pilot-less Airliner just a couple of months before 9-11according to an August 2001 article in the" target="_blank" class="postlink">USA Today (by the way, the said article may have been removed from the USA Today archives as of one month ago, for a free copy contact )
Interestingly enough, on 9-11 Raytheon lost five of their high ranking employees. As details of the passengers on the four hijacked flights emerge, some are shown to have curious connections to the defense company Raytheon, and possibly its Global Hawk pilotless aircraft program (see 1998 (D) and August 2001).
1) Stanley Hall (Flight 77) was director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare. One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronic warfare." [AP, 9/25/01]
2) Peter Gay (Flight 11) was Raytheon's Vice President of Operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, Calif. [AP, 9/25/01] Raytheon's El Segundo's Electronic Systems division is one of two divisions making the remote controlled Global Hawk. [ISR Journal, 3/02]
3) Kenneth Waldie (Flight 11) was a senior quality control engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems.
4) David Kovalcin (Flight 11) was a senior mechanical engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems. [CNN, 9/01]
5) Herbert Homer (Flight 175) was a corporate executive working with the Department of Defense. [CNN, 9/01, Northeastern University Voice, 12/11/01]
Raytheon employees with possible links to Global Hawk can be connected to three of the four flights.

Step 1 to fixing Arizona’s economy: Revise the tax code

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010
Finally, there is something that the Southern Arizona Leadership Council (SALC) and I agree on:
  1. To stabilize Arizona’s economy, the tax code should be overhauled;
  2. Arizona’s tax code relies too heavily on growth, such as taxes and fees related to retail sales, construction, or housing. Consequently, when growth is slow or negative, the state suffers financial hardship– as it is now.
Initially, I was heartened to see the article in the Arizona Daily Star about a meeting between the Southern Arizona Leadership Council (SALC), the Tucson Chamber of Commerce, Tucson Regional Economic Opportunity, and 11 state legislators to discuss the state’s tax system. (I guess the invitations for Abie Morales and me were lost in the mail.) From the Star
Is it just me, or is MacEachern looking more and more like the old dood from Family Guy these days?

Doug MacEachern, aka, "Mr. Provincial," Takes a Swipe at His Betters at The New York Times

5. Raytheon goes to AlabamaWhen Raytheon Missile Systems, our region’s largest employer with a history dating back to when Howard Hughes brought his Hughes Aircraft here in 1951 (with the help of local businessman Roy Drachman), decided to spend $75 million and put 300 jobs in Huntsville, Ala., it was a wake-up call for Tucson. Where was Mayor Walkup, a former Raytheon executive, in the process?

In contrast to Tucson’s effort, Huntsville had a team of economic development leaders from its chamber of commerce and political leaders from multiple jurisdictions all the way up to the state level all working in a coordinated effort to win Raytheon. Pima County got the message and has launched an effort to put infrastructure in place that could benefit Raytheon and other industries.

Jesse Kelly event: is this wording intentional?
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by David Safier
JANUARY 8, 2011 UPDATE: We at Blog for Arizona are doing our best to update the evolving story of the shooting at Gabby Giffords' event Saturday, as well as offering commentary from our writers and our community. Go to the most recent posts for the latest information and commentary.
The original June 12, 2010 post:
A friend sent me a link to the Pima County Republican website, spotlighting a Jesse Kelly event.
I find the wording for the event (the part I circled) chilling.
There's nothing wrong with having a gun-themed event, if that's what you want to do. Count me out, but if you want to meet at a shooting range instead of a bowling alley or a baseball stadium, that's your right and your privilege.
There's also nothing wrong with having a "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords" event. That's what the R candidates in CD-8 are trying to do.
But to put it all together, starting with "Get on Target," moving to "remove Gabrielle Giffords," then finishing with "Shoot a fully automatic M16" . . .
That goes way beyond cute and clever and moves into a frightening linkage between shooting guns and removing Giffords.
I know you can see it in the image, but here is the wording of the Event invitation:
Get on Target for Victory in November Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.
I just found this at the Arizona Daily Star
DATE: June 9, 2010 12:00 am

the article from June 9, 2010 12:00 am reads:
“Jesse Kelly, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to be bothered in the least by the Sarah Palin controversy earlier this year, when she released a list of targeted races in crosshairs, urging followers to “reload” and “aim” for Democrats. Critics said she was inciting violence.
He seems to be embracing his fellow tea partier’s idea. Kelly’s campaign event website has a stern-looking photo of the former Marine in military garb holding his weapon. It includes the headline:
“Get on Target for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.”end article from June 9, 2010 12:00 am
The event costs $50.
Can we please skip the trial and just go on to the sentencing? I mean this is a case is over. Jesse Kelly (the Tea Party Candidate who lost to Giffords) is guilty as hell.
What I want to know is
did Jared Lee Loughner attend the Remove Gabrielle Giffords from Office Event?

if so
did Jared bring his own gun?

did he get to ‘SHOOT the Enemy’ with Jesse Kelly (the
Tea Party Candidate) like the Ad for the event says?
Jesse Kelly supporter James Massee was exercising his 1st Amendment rights when a Gabrielle Giffords supporter came up and choked him.
Publius Pundit reported:
At the first debate at the University of Arizona between Democrat Gabrielle Giffords and Republican Jesse Kelly, a fictitious group called Republicorp showed up trying to convince people that the Republican Party is bought off by Wall St (despite the FACT that most contributions from Wall St went to Obama).
Well, it appears that these may be the Chicago goons we were looking for. Since they cannot tolerate any dissent, one of the “Republicorp” liberal activists tried to shut up a Jesse Kelly supporter who was telling the crowd about Gabrielle Giffords’ record of voting with Nancy Pelosi… By choking him.
Here’s the video:

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