Sunday, January 23, 2011
Ptech Inc. was a Quincy, Massachusetts-based provider of business process modeling software that was closed down in late 2003 as a consequence to the media frenzy following the consented search on December 5, 2002 by federal authorities under the auspices of Operation Green Quest. The search was related to the relationship of the company to the Specially Designated Global Terrorist,
 Yasin al-Qadi. On December 6, 2002, Federal authorities issued a press release clarifying that they are investigating possible financial crime, and deny the involvement of the company in terrorist activities. The rumors that the company might have penetrated the US government and that its software contained malicious code that designed to undermine the government security was quickly rebuffed by both the Federal authorities and the former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer on December 6, 2002. The U.S. government continued to do business with Ptech until late 2003 and may still use its software.
The Al Qadi AffairRichard C. Morais with Denet C. Tezel 01.24.08, 6:00 PM ET

Did the ''Specially Designated Global Terrorist,'' Yasin Al Qadi, evade U.N. sanctions with the help of politically connected friends in Turkey?
Yasin Al Qadi is a 52-year-old Saudi businessman who was listed, in October 2001, as a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist" by the U.S. Treasury, alleged to have financed Osama bin Laden, Hamas and other terrorist groups by funneling funds through "charities" and business fronts. At the request of the U.S, and supported by Saudi Arabia, the United Nations Security Council also placed Al Qadi on its global terrorist list in 2001, where he remains today.
Several years later, he bought Burr’s interest and focused the rest of his career on building the company. Brown had a manufacturer’s enthusiasm for developing an excellent design, and then replicating it. His attention to detail was relentless and his methodology meticulous. The company grew to be a multi-billion dollar semiconductor firm known world-wide for its high quality products. In 1983, Burr-Brown went public, and in 2000, was sold to Texas Instruments.,9171,946042,00.html
Nation: Biggest Scandal

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